Known for delicious protein !



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Mass Gainer


Amazing Direct Factory Price (AUD)
  • 2KG $32.00 per 2 kilo
  • 4KG $31.50 per 2 kilo
  • 6KG $31.50 per 2 kilo
  • 8KG $31.50 per 2 kilo


What Is Mass Gainer XL ?

Mass Gainer XL is a high calorie 63/37 (Carbs/Protein) formulation including grass-fed Whey Protein Isolate, Whey Protein Concentrate, Albumin, Branched Chain Amino Acids, Wholemeal flour, Cornflour and Maltodextrin.

Do you struggle to put on weight? We have you covered.

Mass Gainer XL was created for the hard gainers. Whey protein isolate & concentrate provide 26.4 grams of quality grass-fed protein. Australian-sourced wheaten cornflour, wholemeal flour & maltodextrin provide 43.9 grams of complex carbohydrates. Included in the formulation is an additional 50% branched chain amino acids 2:1:1, bringing the total BCAA content to 12,000mg per serve. This is the highest BCCA content available in any protein shake, ensuring optimal protein synthesis. Each serve delivers a massive 1212 kilojoules.

The Fundamentals

  1. Eat more calories than you burn every day.
  2. Eat every 3 hours.
  3. Eat high protein, complex carbohydrates, healthy fats and plenty of greens.
  4. Train Hard.
  5. Use the correct supplementation at the right time.

Follow these guidelines with consistency and you will gain size. Getting this type of nutrition frequently is difficult for anyone who is working or studying full time. This is where Mass Gainer XL can assist you in upping your calories with quality muscle building nutrients.

The BlackBelt Difference.

In-house manufacturing, raw ingredient traceability, laboratory tested supplements. These are the three pillars that ensures we consistently provide product quality and maintain competitive factory direct prices. Our passion for delivering quality to our loyal customer base flows into every product, and we make sure every product is exact to specification.

Additional Information


2KG, 4KG, 6KG, 8KG


Chocolate, Banana, Strawberry

Directions & Ingredients


Mix 2 heaped scoops with milk or water; blend until dispersed.
Mass Gainer is generally consumed 2 – 3 times per day. For optimal results, consume one hour before training & directly after training


Grass Fed Whey Protein Isolate, Grass Fed Whey Protein Concentrate, Milk Protein Isolate, Albumin, Maltodextrin, Wholemeal flour, Wheaten cornflour, Branched Chain Amino Acids 2:1:1, Flavouring, Sucralose.

Chocolate flavours have Alkalised Cacao.


How is Mass Gainers XL packaged? Into 2kg blackbelt bags. Each bag contains 25 servings.

How does it taste? Amazing.